Tomoo Gokita

Born 1969 in Tokyo, Japan
Lives and works in Tokyo

He gained attention in the late 90’s for his extemporarily produced drawing works. In recent years he has created abstract paintings that simultaneously pay heed to specific motifs, including portraits which appropriate the colors of black and white. As well as being involved in a vast number of publication activities and exhibitions within Japan, he has participated in solo and group exhibitions in New York, Los Angeles, and Berlin; continuing to receive high international acclaim. Taka Ishii Gallery presented solo exhibition with Gokita in 2008, and 2012. In 2012 he participated in the group exhibition, “The Unseen Relationship: Form and Abstraction” at the Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art. Publications include LINGERIE WRESTLING, (Little More Co.Ltd., 2000).  (Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo)

Taka Ishii Gallery

African Honeysuckle

Tomoo Gokita