Quadruple suncooker lamp

Installation view: Gallery Koyanagi, Tokyo, 2006 Photo: Nao Tsuda © 2006 Olafur Eliasson

Olafur Eliasson
Quadruple suncooker lamp
Stainless steel, mono frequency lights, black lights, green light bulbs
140 x 140 x 140 cm

Denmark born artist currently based in Berlin, Olafur Eliasson creates artworks that incorporate natural phenomena - light, shadow, color, fog, wind, wave, and so on - in a site specific way. Among his projects are large scale ones that take advantage of the characteristics of the nature, and such works directly engages with the viewers sensory system.

This work titled Quadruple suncooker lamp inverts the function of the object which is originally supposed to collect to spread lights instead in order to generate a light source, and alters viewers’ perception of color and light, intervening in the surrounding environment. The yellow light bouncing off the blue reflectors removed any bright tones from the room, resulting in a techni-color effect often seen in old movies.

(Commentary & Translation: Tomoya Iwata)