3 Beach Houses, Cape Cod

Maureen Gallace
3 Beach Houses, Cape Cod
Oil on linen
28.0 x 35.5 cm
Beyond the view of the beach house are the horizon and a cloudy sky. In the foreground, the painting depicts a thicket of grass blowing in the wind. Gareth has repeatedly painted landscapes from his hometown in Connecticut and the familiar resort of Cape Cod. What is characteristic in the painting is the absence of human figures and the perspective gazing at the simple architecture of houses and cabins from slightly afar.
The walls of the beach house are carefully painted white compared to the grass, which is roughly painted with large brushstrokes. There are no openings such as windows or doors drawn, and the beach house looks more like an object with an odd presence positioned in the landscape rather than a space to welcome people. The combination of the horizon and the objects recalls Morandi's still life paintings. In the small canvas, elements that have been omitted in their details and carefully selected are placed. The use of different brush strokes creates an image with a sense of generosity and a sense of tension.
Despite the title indicating its location, it is difficult to identify the place depicted from this simplified image. As it resembles landscapes that everyone has seen at least once, the work connects with the viewer’s memory and resonates with individual stories.
(Commentary: Sayako Kinoshita / Translation: Emma Tsuji Harrison)