Futoshi Miyagi

Born 1981 in Okinawa, Japan
Lives and works in Tokyo, Japan

Using video, sound and objects, Miyagi lets in the viewer in to tell stories that seem biographical. Always concerning relationships, his work feels personal while it resonates nationally; between Okinawa and America, a violin and piano duet, and about sexuality. He was one of seven finalists of Nissan Art Award 2015. (from the web article ‘seven finalists’, was written by Nick West and edited by Annabel James.)

Futoshi Miyagi

17 Notes from the South

Futoshi Miyagi

A photograph of a Soldier in a Matchbox

Futoshi Miyagi

Chaconne in D Magor

Futoshi Miyagi

A Romantic Composition

Futoshi Miyagi

About Raindrop

Futoshi Miyagi

The Ocean View Resort

Futoshi Miyagi