Pierre Bismuth

Born 1963 in Paris, France
Lives and works in Brussels, Belgium

Pierre BISMUTH uses his artistic practice as a tool to examine our perception of reality, especially regarding our relation to cultural productions. With humour and minimal means, BISMUTH's work seeks to destabilize the codes of reading for even the most received forms of culture. His procedures seem to follow the laws of entropy by creating effects of constant transformation and spontaneous change, expending the excess energy of a system to reveal its paradoxes. The underlying aim of these strategies is always the same: to destabilize pre-established codes of perception by sabotaging the very logic of his material and to push the viewer to develop critical ideas when presented with cultural objects whose meaning seems obvious. 'En prévention de mauvais fonctionnement technique' ('To Prevent Technical Malfunctions') (unplugged Bruce NAUMAN video) presents the video of the American artist, with the monitors unplugged. 'Something Less Something More' is composed of a series of thin partitions, punctured by circles to remove the most material possible. The circles removed from the surface of the walls accumulate on the ground in a chaotic pile. The installation is completed by two new series, 'De rouge à rien' ('From Red to Nothing') and 'De vert à quelque chose d'autre' ('From Green to Something Else'). Each new presentation of the series reproduces the color used in the previous exhibition, but with a barely perceivable difference, by the introduction of white or another color respectively. The series 'Remplacer par le même' ('Replace with the Same') plays on the idea of the substition of one thing by its double. Finally, the 'Pliages' ('Folds') are origami created from different materials, such as magazines, newspapers, posters and maps. The origami, once completed, is unfolded, yet each work keeps the title of the corresponding origami figure it once embodied.(BUGADA & CARGNEL, Paris)

Team Gallery

Black Painting-Cinderella

Pierre Bismuth